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As part of the Marketing Team this role will be assisting in the development and implementation of the Foster + Partners global marketing strategy in China. You will produce marketing material and content to support the practice in acquiring new work, and to promote the work of the practice through our traditional and digital media channels, with a specific focus on raising our profile in China. The role can be based in our Shanghai or Beijing offices.

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Foster + Partners aims to have an inclusive environment for all staff by identifying and removing barriers across our practices. Completing this monitoring form will help us achieve this, and also help Foster + Partners meet our obligations under the Equality Act 2010.

While it is voluntary to disclose this information, doing so will enable us to better understand the composition of our workforce and examine our practices fully.

Your answers will be treated in the strictest confidence, and all data disclosed will comply with the Data Protection Act 2018. View Foster + Partners confidentiality policy

To find out more about the work Foster + Partners is doing to meet the requirements of the Equality Act, please contact Jane Samuels on 0207 738 0455


File size should be no more than 3Mb

File size should be no more than 8Mb

File size should be no more than 8Mb

Your password needs to include:

  • Eight or more characters
  • At least one uppercase, lowercase letter and number
  • At least one special character *!?@%$#~£&

Tell us about your other language proficiencies:

Tell us about your software proficiency: